
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Shock and Awe...someness


Can you believe it? I honestly never thought I would ever in my whole life be surprised by a pregnancy.

...I mean, granted, I obviously knew there was a chance, duh, no BC pills, not trying to avoid or anything.

But...C and I literally, JUST had the:

"when do you want to get serious about TTC again..?"

conversation right AFTER I ovulated (I think).

I had kinda been half-assed charting, as you can see here.

I mean, shit, I even said to him, "not sure I'm ready, or when when I'll be ready, but it will probably take so long might as well start now."

Anyway, it is unbelievably nice to be surprised.

So that was pretty much my reaction as I sat on the toilet trying not to drip pee on myself capping the test, and amazingly seeing two, yes TWO pink lines pop up almost instantly!

I pretty much forgot to stand up afterward, thinking, this for real?? Then FUCK! Why didn't I pee in a cup so I could confirm with a second test?!?! Now I won't have to pee for like hours!

Not to worry, I chugged a bunch of water and bought $50.00 worth of tests to confirm again...and again....and keep for my more paranoid moments (which I can guarantee I will have).

Please refer to last time

So I guess the point of this post, if there is, in fact, a point, is that I'm freakin excited.

Last pregnancy, about at this point, I was already having some pretty serious doubts as to whether things would work out. (we all know how that story ended)

This time feels very different, kind of a combination of both the 1st and 2nd time. I'm very happy, but not naive, I'm feeling hopeful but not oblivious.

I am going to really focus on making the most of this pregnancy, stay positive, and plan ahead so I have fun things and milestones to look forward to.

I think I'll start thinking about the nursery, can't go wrong with decorating as a distraction!

Also, my first u/s is scheduled for January 19th!


  1. OMG that is awesome news! Keep your head up and your hope high, staying positive never hurt anyone. We just found out we're pregnant too a few day before Christmas. My 1st u/s is 1/17! I cant wait to follow your progress and hear more. Good luck! :)

  2. Oh that is great! Congratulations! I'll be following you too! Best of luck :)


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