
Monday, April 6, 2015

First Trimester, A Summary

I found out I was pregnant for the 4th time on Monday February 10th 2014. As mentioned in previous blog post. I was concerned because I thought I missed my period. Of course, I didn't. I mean how lucky would it be to have a positive pregnancy test, and POOF you are magically 1/2 way through the first trimester.

No such luck, I was 4 weeks 1 day pregnant when I found out.

Then the waiting starts.

If you followed this blog you would know that my 3 previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage, ranging from 9 weeks to 11 weeks gestation. Two of the pregnancies were confirmed losses due to Triploidy XXX.

The next step in my trying to conceive, never ending choo-choo train was supposed to be IVF + PGD (pre-genetic testing to make sure that only a healthy embryo was implanted in my uterus) Life got in the way, and for various reasons that plan was put on hold.

It wouldn't have been enough to get through the first trimester, I needed to have additional testing done either way to make sure this little fetus was healthy.

My doctor was rad and allowed me to go in weekly for ultrasounds from 6 weeks on, until I felt comfortable.

Every week I went in to the ultrasound room expecting to hear the crushing news I was too familiar with hearing.

Every week I made it one step farther.

I never once let myself get excited.

It didn't matter that I had the worst morning sickness, all very strong pregnancy 1st tri symptoms. I didn't matter that everyone else was happy around me every time  we made a milestone.

I always left the appointments still feeling depressed even though that little heartbeat was still going.

Near the end of 11 weeks I went in for a CVS procedure (similar to an Amnio, only a portion of placenta is taken instead of amniotic fluid).

At 13 weeks I got a call. I was at work. I was sitting at my desk and I recognized the area code of the hospital I had the procedure at.

I walked into a conference room and answered it. I was shaking from head to toe. I thought I wouldn't be able to hear the nurse because I couldn't hear much over the deafening roar of my own heart. She asked me a few questions verifying my identity then told me she had the results and that everything was fine. The baby was healthy.

I almost didn't believe it.

Then  she asked me if I wanted to know the sex. I don't even know how I made a sound to answer her, but I did.

Then I heard "Congratulations you're having a boy!"

I was in such disbelief still, we waited almost 3 more weeks to tell everyone.

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