
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Second Trimester, A Summary

I feel like I had a very short 2nd tri. I didn't really view the first tirmester as ending until after I found out the baby might actually stick, post-CVS testing results.

So basically from about Week 16 -27 is what felt like second tri to me.

At week 16 we finally posted our announcement on Facebook. The amount of well wishes and joyful responses we got back from a simple picture was overwhelming. It made it so obvious that everyone in our life was rooting for us and hoping that some day we would have an announcement like this to make. It felt like a big bowl of warm fuzzies.

After that it was just life. I finally was not feeling sick constantly. I had lots of weddings and baby showers and parties happening. I started planning for the nursery, completing a registry. The normal things people go through, that I thought I wouldn't get to do.

At 16 weeks was also my last weekly ultrasound until the anatomy scan. I was told by the tech that I had placenta previa, but that it would probably fix itself throughout my pregnancy.

At 18 weeks I felt the first flutters from the baby. I was camping with some friends and the first day out there it was just constant flutters, like it had been happening all along he just finally was at the right strength to allow me to feel it. I was giddy all day about it.

One of the scariest part about pregnancy, especially if you have had losses is that most of the time you have NO freaking idea what is going on in there. The first day of being able to feel him started a much more at ease part of the pregnancy for me.

At 20 weeks I conceded to my  growing belly and gave up my regular pants. I remember thinking up until that point that it was so crazy how you could go half of your pregnancy in the same clothes, and it takes FOREVER to start to actually show.

From there it went very fast.

27 Weeks

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