
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Third Trimester, A Summary

Pregnancy, in general, goes by SOOOOOOO SLOOOOOW. Like anxiety causing, heart palpitating slow.

Third tri started slow. The first week maybe, I was like "oh wow, finally!" then holy crap that shit flew by.

Everything starts to come together. Kind of like the last couple months before your wedding, or some other big thing.

It was about baby showers, getting the last of your shit together. Painstakingly assembling all that baby junk, putting together the nursery, planning your hospital bag list, making your freezer stuff.

All the while it is getting harder, and harder, and much harder to do anything. I got huge during the last trimester. Doctor was estimating a 9 pound baby. I got asked almost daily near the end if I was having twins. It was bad.

At about 28 weeks I started having intense hip pain. It felt like my legs were slowly being torn apart in opposite directions. It hurt to sit, stand, move, stay still, swim, everything hurt. Tylenol dulled the pain slightly but it was constant, all day, it would wake me up at  night. It lasted about 5 weeks. Week 1 and 5 were not as bad, but the 3 in between I didn't know if we would make it until the end! And I feel like no one else knew what the fuck I was talking about!!!


At 35 weeks I hit maximum capacity. I was DONE. But I realized I didn't have long to go, and surprisingly it didn't get that much worse between then and labor day :)

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