Yes, I did it.
I fucking willed my period to come.
I didn't end up using the Provera because I knew my "cycle" would be ending soon, in theory, so I thought I'd give it another week before stuffing my body full of extra hormones. Then, every time I felt a cramp I would focus all my energy there to tell it who was boss.
I'm pretty sure that's what did it.
Secondly, we got our test results back for Karyotyping. Both came back normal.
So we are free to try again on our own as early as this month.
The idea of this completely freaks me out. I went from thinking we would have to wait a year pretty much to be able to afford treatments to within a few months being able to TTC again naturally.
We've decided to try starting this month for 2 months or so, if it doesn't happen we will go back to the doctor and start Clomid to improve our chances of conceiving quicker.
So I guess.... here we go again....