Thank you to the ladies who thought of me, and my oh so stylish blog, and nominated me for this prestigious award:
Jenn of, A day in the life of Jenn, your blog keeps me entertained and in awe, especially with your crazy wrapping paper obsession. So looking forward to seeing your collection grow next Christmas :)
And another thank you to Marissa of, The best is yet to be, who's optimism and perseverance keep me positive!
7 things about me:
1. My husband is lucky, I consider myself a catch.
2. I have flaws...believe it or not...I do. I acknowledge them, and the ones that I do not accept I work on.
3. I love to sing. I don't think I'm great, but I love it.
4. If I could eat only one thing for the rest of my life it would be thai tofu massaman curry with rice.
5. I love calendars. I have 4 in my cube at work, plus I write the date on the white board by my desk everyday. I have no explanation for this.
6. I would rather work four 10 hour days a week and get 3 day weekends than five 8 hour days.
7. I like creating images using this program at work. Its fun. So fun, in fact, that I think I'll create my own blog award, just because I felt like making a new picture.
Here it is:

I shall pass on my new award and the stylish award to these lucky individuals:
KDodge of, End the Asshattery Already!
Jenn of, A day in the life of Jenn
Marissa of, The best is yet to be
Papps of, Our Arduous Journey
Sulfababy of, Close My Eyes and Leap
Rules for my keepin it real award:
1. enjoy :)
2. pass on only if you feel like a fellow blogger does an awesome job at "keepin it real"
Rules for the stylish blogger award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
Thanks for posting these, I have some new blogs to check out now!